Lilly's latest promo video!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I like variety when I train.
Depending on the weather and the surf conditions and what mood I am, is what I base my training on.
My training varies between long runs along the Gerringong-Kiama coastal track, or beach runs, interval runs, sand dunes sprints, footy training with my League Tag team, swimming (in summer), bodysurfing, cycling, core fitness, and of course bodyboarding pretty much every day.

Today it was an perfectly sunny and beautiful day, but not many waves or wind around. I was in the mood for a beach run.
I only went for a fairly short run today, but found a big sand dune at North Werri to do interval sprints up. After 12 I was stuffed, but I made myself do 3 more. On the 15th I felt like throwing up haha. It was good, jogged home and did stretching and core work on my big blue ball. I think this is the best piece of equipment a bodyboarder could have!  >>>>
Actually, if anyone is keen for some workouts, my friend Ben MacKinnon of BoogerBod has a nice little PDF of some good workouts on the ball. You can contact him on facebook for advice too!

After my core work I went for a 20 minute surf in front of my house. The waves were terrible today, 2ft, high tide, onshore, backwash, haha. But in the lead up to a contest I still surf daily to keep me fresh, and so many contests you have at least one heat in terrible waves like this, so I like to be ready for anything! I like to just have 20 minute "Practice heats" to get me ready for competition. I still had a fun surf. The sun was out which made it nice. Good to freshen up before work too.

Becuase I dont finish work til 8pm, I dont usually get to eat dinner until about 9, but it's fine for me, I'm used to it now. Made this tasty and healthy green dish tonight >>>

Poached egg with baby spinach, broccoli and rice and quinoa, seasoned with mixed herbs, lemon juice, sesame oil and a little soy sauce, yummmmmmmmm!!! I had a carrot and a little glass of wine as an entree ;)

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